6 Week Program!
Are You...
...Fed up lacking motivation to make the change.
...Want to get fit and strong without feeling restricted.
...in need of accountability to make this happen.
Get in the best shape of your life - and make it last forever
We've spent a combined 20 years working with Women in Galway helping them achieve the fitness and mindset they've always wanted.
Now we want to make it as easy as possible FOR YOU with our 6 Week Kickstarter Program, giving you all the insider tips you need to make change and we'll show you how you can do this FOREVER.

A Simple Step By Step Program = Results
3 Training Sessions per Week with your coaches
Follow our recipes and create your own fool proof menus for you and for your family
Check in with your trainer each week and get actions steps on how to guarantee success
From 1-1 Coaching
to Studio Box!
Looking for a well-balanced fitness routine?
We can help you curate your class program to make sure you are doing everything you can to it your goals.
Our classes are designed to help you get fit and find balance in both your mind and body.


Our Program Includes
3 Training Sessions per Week with your coaches
Full Nutrition coaching including recipe book and meal plan ideas
Members only coaching website with videos, nutrition, progress checks & more
Access to private Facebook groups with tips, sharing experiences and loads of support
The accountability you've been looking for to make long lasting change